A new healthy journey

This year, has been a wild ride for us all. Isn’t that the truth? With the world experiencing a pandemic, at a level not seen in a hundred years. It has shown us much, it has affected everyone on some level, and has really changed the way we are living. Well, at least it has for me.

In many ways, 2020 was a massive wake up call to myself. It was a wakeup call to have I was living, being, and thinking. Just when you think you know it all, or experience it all, you get the proverbial rug pulled up from under your feet, and so much more finds its way to you.

2020 has been a stark reminder of the importance of being healthy, eating healthy, and living a healthy life. Being healthy can help us, improve our mental state, improve our quality of life, and also help us fend off catching viruses, and if we do catch a virus, help us heal more quickly.

So 2020 has been my own wake up call in so many ways, and at the front that is taking better care of myself, physically. Working to heal my body, and hopefully, heal lots of the food sensitivities that I have always struggled with. Food sensitivities that have cast a large shadow over my life, for as long as I can recall.

As I entered school back in 2018, for health coaching, I learned a lot about eating healthy, and eating a more balanced diet. Something I had always lacked in my life. Back when I first worked on clearing out food sensitivities, I had a diet that was so restricted, and so lacking, that I was basically skin and bones. This time, I am using the knowledge I have acquired from schooling, and learning, to better tailor my health and well being. And it has been a major blessing. Eating a better diet, that is more balanced for myself, has changed so much. It has cut down food cravings, excessive snacking, sugar cravings, and more.

In being healthy, I have also challenged myself to exercise, and work out. Something I have always loathed. I used to love running, back in 2015-2017, I was actively running. But was not doing any other exercise. Now, I am taking a better balanced approach to my health. Incorporating exercise, and weight training, to tone, or strengthen my body in ways it’s never been before.

I am on my third week, out of a month long challenge to do it. And I am loving it so far. Each workout is an accomplishment to do, and stick with, and I can already feel the benefits. From my workouts being able to be completed quicker, to my recovery time being shorter. To feeling great working out. Working out, truly is a great boost to our mental states. I may never become one of those persons who is a “gym rat” but I am enjoying it so far. And it’s been stuff that I have been able to do at home. With my own equipment. I look forward to where this new healthy journey takes me.