Connecting to Mother Earth for Healing

Shamanic Healing Ceremony


Can be done in person, or remotely through Zoom. Connecting with my spirit guides in order to ask them for healing on behalf of my client. I take a shamanic journey to connect to spirit, and your guides to find out the healing that you need at this time.  In this way, I am able to tailor and offer various healing modalities, such as spiritual energy, sounds, aroma, burning herbs & incense, song and prayer that support and balance the client on a spiritual, physical and emotional level. 

Power Animal Retrieval

Each of us has a personal power animal or guardian spirit that protects us and assists us with gifts, talents and strengths. Power animals will assist us with our life’s lessons but are not always connected to our animal spirit, or they may leave us for various reasons causing a loss of personal power. Typical symptoms of power loss may be chronic depression, chronic illness, addiction or chronic misfortune. The shaman journeys to look for the guardian spirit and reunites the client with their Power animal so that they can be rebirthed together to walk this life with one another restoring balance and harmony. 

Soul Retrieval

Shamans travel through ‘non-ordinary reality’ with the beat of the drum and sings the soul out of hiding coaching it back to the person for completion by finding missing or fragmented, stifled, or lost parts of the soul selves known as Susto or Soul Loss.  This occurs when the soul essence might have been denied in other lifetimes, or have left our body following a sudden accident, a brutal separation or an unexpected trauma leaving us feeling powerless. This powerful process helps bring them back, so it is possible to enjoy life to its full potential. Through the help of a gift and the specific qualities of a power animal, we are able to step back into our wholeness (holiness) and become once again the masters of our own destiny.

Sacred Drum
45 S. Main Street: Inside The Center; Life In Balance,
Medford, NJ 08055