Energy of the Week for 7/10/22

As we begin the second week of July, we have some powerful energies coming into play for us during this week. As we see from the cards, some of the card’s messages/tone are very similar in nature. They are talking to us and showing us about the abundance that is all around us. Reminding us that the possibilities are infinite, and there are endless miracles around us.

A lot of “5” came up in our cads as well. As we have 54, 59, and 15. Five is a powerful number, as it represents transformation. When I began my spiritual journey so long ago, I would see a lot of 5’s everywhere. 5:55 on the clock, even my life path is a 5. It was the nudge of the universe talking to me about a great shift that was about to happen, that needed to happen. And I haven’t look back since.

Skunk energy is reminding us to know our worth. Now, skunks have a bad reputation, and we generally run from them when we see them in nature. As we don’t want to get sprayed by them. It is that defensive nature, that we are able to tap into in our lives. To keep out that which is not good for us. Whether it’s people, or things we do not want to do. Skunk reminds us of putting up healthy boundaries if they are necessary, so people are not just taking from us.

In knowing our worth, and what we are deserving of, we are able to see all the abundance, all the miracles, and all the possibilities that are around us. That we are worthy and deserving us. We just need to open our arms, and our hearts to let it in to our lives.

This week is a reminder to focus on the good, the positive that we want in our lives, and work on cultivating more and more of that. For it’s all around us, and ready for us. It just needs us to welcome it into our lives, and let it in.

Blessings of merry tidings and abundance to you all

~ Jason