Energy for Week 5/15

Let go of all that doesn’t serve you.

It’s the beginning of a new week, and I’m sure you’re all going, but didn’t we just start last week. And I’d say, yes, yes we did. Last week. And that’s how weeks work. LOL. But seriously, it seems like we just started last month, and here we are in a new week in May.

Last week’s energy report was about abundance and being open to receiving all that is there for us. Many of us, and myself included, miss out on things in life because we are not open to receive it. Whether it’s being open to help from a friend or partner, or that we feel we don’t deserve it.

This weeks cards come from the deck, messages from our animal spirit guides, by Steven Farmer. They are connecting with what we went through last week, and with all of that. This week comes with two cards, as both wanted to be heard. And when I flipped them both over, I saw they are so very similar to the message they are giving us.

That Zebra energy is coming in strong, telling us to let go of that fear. Let go of things that hold us back. Whether it’s with putting ourselves out there, or with us speaking up for what we want in lives. We need to let go of the fear of that. Let go, is a power and strong message. One that is not easy to master. Fear, is powerful. Fear can be a create tool to propel us into being careful, or to plan properly. But too much fear, can overwhelm us and stop us in our tracks. Zebra is hear to tell us, it’s OK. We are safe. We can do this. We know how, and we got this. A lot of last week’s energy was about trust, and that comes into play this week as well. Trust in ourselves and our abilities.

Along with Zebra, comes forward the energy of the Rattlesnake. Snakes in themselves can also bring up that fear. Fear of snakes. Their venom, and poison. They can be very dangerous. Much like fear. Snakes, in many cultures represent wisdom. And in this case, it’s the wisdom from what we’ve been through, and that it was meant to guide us to where we were needing to go. For out hearts desires, and callings. Every storm, ever bad whether, took us closer to our destinations. And through it all, we grew, and bettered ourselves. We gained wisdom from it all. Snakes, also shed their skin and grow new skin. Snakes are a powerful ally to call upon when we need to shed the dead skin in ourselves. Our lives, our minds. To shed the fear. The anxiety. The past. And to be reborn again, wiser, stronger, and more compassionate. For some they will see that journey as a tale to help others on their journey’s because they too know what it’s like, because they did it too.

So today, and this week, let us sit within our own sacred spaces within ourselves. To sit within our own power, and glory. Breathing deeply into that space. That space of awareness and love. And breathe in the knowing that we are safe, and protected. We are wise, and powerful because of all that we’ve gone through.

In sacred space, and love,
