Energy of the Week 6/12/21

As we begin a new week, a lot of new energies are coming into our lives this week. This week brings the energy of the New Moon, which is a time of manifesting things, and creating our vision boards, and writing our abundance checks. This week will also bring an eclipse with it. Lots of energy is coming forward right now, for us, and in creating the lives we want to have.

Last week was about us shapeshifting, and being adaptable to the circumstances around us, and in standing tall, and this week, the Elk energy from last week is still with us. Reminding us to stand in our own dignity, and power.

This week, there is a feel of that inward journey, that inward pull to ourselves. To get in touch with our feelings, and wishes, and desires. For us to have a vision for our future, we need to be clear on what that vision is. To create we need an idea of what we want to create. And from there, we refine it, and expand it, and we bring it to fruition. Right now we are in that conceptualizing phase. Where we are putting together the thoughts and ideas we want to manifest.

With that is the energy of the Blue Heron, telling us we need to stand for what we believe is right, regardless of what another may say, or judge us for. The Heron is telling us, it’s time to put our foot down. And say, NO! It’s time for us to start to be true to ourselves. For so long we have put our wishes, and dreams on hold for others, and put it off. Now, we are coming to the realization that we do, have needs. We do have wants. And now, we are asking to be heard. We know what is true to us, and it’s not for anther to pass their ideas onto us, as being true. We must stand firm in our own truths right now. There may be others telling us that we can’t. It’s not possible, or that’s not how it works. It’s time for us, to tune that out, and listen to our own truths. We have our own power, and voice, and it’s time for us to start to use it. We are doing this from a place of power within ourselves where we don’t need to force it onto others. Their path and journey is for them. It’s time for us to do and follow what is true for us. Even if it’s our own ego mind trying to sidetrack us with doubt. Heron is empowering us in our own truth, and listening to it.

With the Blue Heron comes the energy of the Condor. Who is asking us to step back, and see the bigger picture. Sometimes when emotions are running high, and we are caught up in them. We can act on impulse, and not think things through fully. So Condor is asking us to step back, and to see the bigger picture, and to rise up above that. Condor is bringing that energy of balance between emotion and logic. Where we can weigh all of our options out, and find the path that is best suited for us at this time. If you are involved in an argument, or a dispute with a co-worker, family, or loved on. Now is the time to step back, and really take a pause, and let a cool head prevail. Something’s can not be taken back after they are said, or done. And so, you are being guided to make level headed decisions at this time. As you rise above things you will see that there is a different path, a path that may be the higher road in a situation, and in some cases, we may see that the only path is to walk away from something. And that is OK too.

Now is the time to trust in our selves, in our own inner guidance, and compass. To make a stand for what we believe in, to follow our own truths, even if it might alienate us from others. And to step back from the situation(s) we are in right now, and look at the bigger picture before taking action. It’s time to weigh all of our options if need be before acting. Then we will be open to soaring to new heights in our lives.

(Cards from the messages from your Animal Spirit Guides deck by Steven Farmer)
