Life healing with Reiki

Thanks to Reiki I became a better version of myself, a beautiful work in progress.

Before I found Reiki and really started to work on myself I was merely just existing. I was “surviving “ each day just to get through it. I was hurting, crying on the inside, as I consumed by pain and trauma. Life had no meaning or purpose to me, and I found no real joy or happiness in life. I didn’t believe in myself, I didn’t trust in life, and I couldn’t tap into my own intuition. Life was pretty bleak for me, for so long.

Then through chance I found Reiki and it was a wake up call to me and my way of being. It became instrumental in transforming my life from the inside out. It was a path to get in touch with myself again, and in working through years of pain, and hurt. It helped me to open back up to life, to not just exist, but to be an active participant in life and truly begin to enjoy life. Through Reiki I began to trust in myself, trust in life, and to connect to my intuition and inner guidance. It’s truly changed my life from the inside out and it continues to do so every day. I don’t just practice Reiki, I live it, and it blesses my life every day. Through Reiki I was finally able to truly love myself and my life. To create a life worth living. And helped me to be grateful for the life I have.

If you are ready to unlock your potential, to become more empowered, and begin the journey of healing and transformation, contact me and we can connect and work together to start your journey of empowerment and healing with Reiki too.

— Jason