Healing with Reiki


Back in September I talked about my journey with Reiki. That article is something that gets read quite a bit, as it becomes searched for a lot of Google. As many come looking to read about Reiki, and healing with it.

Since it’s been a few months since I posted that post, I thought I would do another one, talking more about my journey with Reiki. I have now had three sessions done on me, by a fantastic Reiki practitioner, who is also an Angel intuitive. Each session I had was incredible and each one really built on top of the last one. As each session I could feel more and more with the energies themselves as I cleared myself out and opened up more, I could start to really feel the energies themselves working on me. As I become more sensitive. Working on oneself, energetically, that is what starts to happen. We become more sensitive to the world and all the worlds unseen that we don’t even realize. Healing is such a wonderful thing. It really helps us on more ways than we imagine. Most of us, I was no different when I started this healing journey back in May 0f 07, I just wanted that quick fix. Where I would heal my body, and go about my way. Not really changing anything. Staying the same, just a different body. I learned the hard way over the years it just does not happen that way. Not with healing of this kind. This healing brings about major change. Major transformation. That is why, IMO, most healing fails for people. They just do not want to change. They do not want to confront themselves. They do not want to take down any of the walls the put up. They want to remain the same.

It took me 8 years on this healing journey to learn that truth. That I had to change. That I really had to become something other than what I currently was. I could no longer live that life. It had reached its end. In the Tarot we would call it, the Death card. For it truly was like dying. Just without the physical loss of the human body. That is what energy healing such as Reiki is all about. Changing oneself in more ways than we can imagine. It’s not just about healing the body. While that does also come to us, just not always in the way we expect it to be. For me, it was about changing my diet. Eliminating foods that I could not eat and was sensitive to, and replacing it with foods that worked best for my body. It was the energy healing that I embarked upon that lead me to that path of changing up my diet and how I was living. That energy healing started with the use of crystals. I started working on my chakras, the energy centers of our body taught about in eastern medicine practices, through the use of crystals. Using colored crystals that connected to each chakra. To help start opening things up and getting the ball going. I would put some stones in a little pouch and put them into my pocket and carry them with me, all day, and night. Until I went to bed. Some people put them under their pillow while they sleep. I found that their energy would be too intense and keep me up late, or they would affect my dreams. Yes, crystals can affect our dreams. While they work their magic.

In time with the help of crystals, and healing my energy/spiritual/mental bodies, I would then take that further and go out and get a Reiki session done on me. Each one as incredible as the prior one. All opening up and clearing out so much form me. Each time feeling more and more lighter. Reiki and energy healing can be used on so much. From working on our own energy, to our pets. To even infusing the foods and drinks we consume. I have been using it to clear out my bedroom so it is nice and charged with the healing energy of love and Reiki. All helping to change me from the inside out. I have been attuned to Reiki, so be a channel for those energies. To allow myself to be able to channel them. So I am able to use them whenever I need to. On myself, or if I want to work on another, helping them with Reiki.

In between those three Reiki sessions I have also had crystal bowl meditations done. Which also work on the chakras as well as clearing the Aura. Those sessions have all been powerful in clearing things out and opening me up. Allowing me to become more in tune with myself. Helping me to become more confident in myself and in being me. Something I have struggled with for so long. Lately I have been working with Reiki to take down those walls that I have put up that have kept me safe but also kept me away from the world and others. It has worked well with taking those walls down. While I still have ways to go with that I have hope in the power of Reiki and energy healing in tearing down things that no longer serve my highest good.

Working on myself with Reiki, crystals, and energy healing has been so incredible for me. It has changed my life in so many ways. I am optimistic about what it can do for me and where it will take me. I know I have only scratched the surface of Reiki and energy healing and I look forward to where I end up with it.