From anxiety to doing Reiki. 

Last night was another crystal bowl and Reiki meditation where I was performing Reiki while the crystal bowls were playing in the background. Allowing healing on various levels of being. It was a packed room, with twelve people participating in this event. It was our third event together in the past three months. All an incredible experience for everyone involved. To be in that environment now and doing something I love and am passionate about is such an amazing thing. 

It gets me to thinking about my journey and how far I have come in the past two years. How I have transformed my life for the better in so many ways. It’s hard to believe there was a time when my life was controlled by fear and anxiety. Where I avoided everything. Life. People. Living. Now I am doing events like this, and the fear I once had, is no longer there controlling me. I am free. To be free is such a wonderful thing. Now I work to help others change their life and be free too. 

My life has been a wild and crazy roller coaster over the years and has taken me to places I never dreamed of, and am doing things I never thought I could or would. All because I took a chance and took a leap of faith into the world. It was scary but I was no longer going to let that fear run my life. I love interacting with people and helping them make changes in their life. Reiki allows me to be able to do that as I’ve seen what Reiki and energy work can do. Reiki is just one of the many tools I have acquired over the years of healing myself. 

I have been asked many questions on what is Reiki and I hope to answer some of them for people with this post.

So what is Reiki? 

Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
What is involved in a Reiki session?

In a typical session the client and the Reiki practitioner, get together and first talk about what brought the person to them. What they are hoping to achieve from a Reiki session and for new people a quick rundown of what to expect and what Reiki is. 

The client then usually lays on a massage table, or in some cases a chair, and the Reiki practitioner connects to the Reiki energy and begins to channel it into the client through their hands, and into their body through various hand positions on the body. Reiki can also be done hands off as well. Reiki is conscious enough to go where it is needed. To bring balance to the body, mind, and spirit, to help the bodies own natural healing abilities and to strength the organs within the body. 

Reiki so based on the principle of channeling universal life force, known to some  as Chi or Qi. 

A typical session can last from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. Most are usually an hour. Afterwards the client will feel relaxed, calm, and peaceful. During a session a client may fall asleep, or have an emotional response, such as crying. It’s all part of the healing process. 

After wards it is recommended to drink plenty of water to help flush out any toxins and energies that are no longer needed by the body. It’s not uncommon to be thirsty and drink a lot, as well as use the bathroom frequently to expel it all, as well as have strange dreams, and even sleep a good night afterwards. Each session is unique to the person receiving it.

During a session a person may feel warmth, cold, tingles, or even have visions or feel loved ones around them. Most report a feeling of calm and peace. 

A Reiki practitioner may also incorporate crystals or sound into the healing session. 

Reiki and energy healing is about bringing balance to the individual who is seeking healing. A Reiki practitioner is only a channel for the Reiki energies, healing is up to the person that seeks healing. 

If given a chance to experience a Reiki session, I recommend it. It may just change your life as it has me. 

Energy healing does not replace medical treatment or medical advice. It’s a compliment to help you along your healing journey. To bring balance and wholeness to your entire being. 

2 thoughts on “From anxiety to doing Reiki. ”

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