Reiki and finding freedom from anxiety

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.”

— George Addair

Most of my adult life, from the time I was 20, until I was in my late 30’s was always defined as one word, “anxiety.” That was who I believed I was. I had identified myself as being “anxious.” I couldn’t do this, or that as I would have anxiety no doubt if I tried. Whether or not that would be the case, it would be how I saw myself. It didn’t matter how many times I would do something, even the same thing. I would still see myself as being an anxious person, and every day was a struggle for me. Like most people existing that way, agoraphobia became the reality of my every day existence. Or, lack there of.

I was like a snail who never came out of his shell. These days I come out of my shell more and more, but I still move at the speed of a snail. I have two speeds, snail and sloth. For so long that world was all I knew, and that is always what I thought was true. That life was exhausting, even without having much of a life, it was still emotionally and mentally draining, as I fought a mental battle every day against myself, and somehow I was losing my own war.

If you told me then, that there was another way of being, and living that wasn’t that, I would not have believed you. Yet, in my soul, I wanted to. I wanted to know there was more. That my life was more than that.

That answer, that I had been searching for, for so long, that my soul was craving, came in the form of Reiki, and energy healing. It wasn’t something that just happened overnight. It was a gradual journey that took a lot of times, and a lot, I mean a lot of hard work. Picture like climbing a flight of stairs that seems never ending, like that scene in Ghostbusters. And just like in that movie, will perseverance the top can happen. For me that peak of the climb, was to clear and release anxiety from myself. Today I do not see myself as an anxious person. That is now how I see myself as at all. That doesn’t mean I don’t get the jitters from time to time, or that I don’t get nervous. Being human that is part of our fight of flight system designed to keep us safe. Except today those sensations are fleeting, and they do not dominate my mind, or my body, or my life. For the first time in my life, I am in control of my life. That in itself, is so much freedom. A concept that seemed to daunting, and out of my grip. Yet, I am here today to tell you, yes, it is possible to find that freedom.

Reiki, and energy healing helps to get to the the root cause of imbalance. To help clear it, and release it, and help to reprogram the brain. Anxiety at times it trauma replaying itself, over and over, where we then expect it to happen to us again. We get stuck in that frozen moment in time. Reiki and energy healing helps to gently clear out the trauma to where it becomes something that doesn’t dominate us anymore. The memory may exist for us, but the pain, hurt, and suffering starts to fade away.

Through this energetic healing, we start to heal long lost and forgotten parts of yourself. We start to bring forth who we always were, but long forgotten. We start to bring back the joy, the happiness, and innocence we once had, but disconnected from. In time, work, clearing, and effort, we start to become whole again. Where we no longer need to fill those voids with things/people/experiences. We start to find the peace within us, and that becomes who we are.

Of course every journey is different. Just like every person is different. Their journey, and healing can take many shapes and many paths. No two journey’s will look the same. As we all work at what feels right to us. For those who are willing to take that dive within, who are ready to free themselves from the shackles that are holding them down, Reiki energy healing is a wonderful way to begin to chip away at all that is holding a person back. And really, who doesn’t want more of that in their life?

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to do an expo where I was doing readings for 6 hours straight. Non stop. 10 years ago, I would have been too afraid to even consider that as an option. Yet I did it. I did more than I thought I could. I broke down barriers within myself that day. Pushing myself to new places within myself. Without Reiki energy healing, I may not have been there. Or it would have taken me three times as long to do so. I am proof that life can be so much better than we settle for. We are capable of so much more, that we don’t even realize it. Reiki energy healing is that light that reminds us of that truth.