How Reiki healing can help depression

We have all gone through sadness at one point in our lives. The loss of a loved one. A breakup that we were not expecting. People picking on or bullying us. It can all cause sadness within us. For some that sadness can become heavy, deep, and unbearable. It is when this happens that the sadness turns into depression.

Depression can be one of the hardest things to endure in life. Especially when it starts to control our lives. Depression can sap our wills in a way where we don’t want to get up out of bed. There have been many a time in my past, when I was depressed and I just wanted to sleep and stay in bed. And not face the world, not face the life I was living. Other times you just want to numb that pain you are feeling, whether it was with food, in my case junk food. Ice cream was my vice. Chocolate Peanut butter cup. Or harder substances. None of these really ever alleviating the pain, or the depression. Merely just a means to an end. And in those times its when we want the end to be now. Perhaps why we spend so much time sleeping. Hoping that sleep was it for us. I know, those were my thoughts during those times. Yet, each day we would start a new. And the cycle would repeat. Many a day was spent trying to force myself up out of bed, and start my day.

Yet I knew that this was not a healthy way of living and being. For I wasn’t living. I was just going through the motions of a day. Not really alive and not really dead. Much like a zombie just going around looking for brains. In my case the brains was a crème filled doughnut. I knew something had to change. I prayed for miracles and answers to just end this pain, and all. As we all do in our darkest times of need. We all go looking. It’s as if our ailments trigger a beacon within our soul that lights up and sends out to us asking for our attention. The spiritual side, the holistic side, of healing and wellness that is how ailments and dis-ease are viewed. As our bodies/souls are calling out to us and saying, “Hey buddy! Something is not right in the way you are living. It’s time for you to change things around.”

When I work with clients and teach Reiki classes, I talk about awareness being the biggest part of our healing. The awareness to see a bigger picture within ourselves and our lives. For some they are able to heed and hear the call. For others not so much. They are not ready yet. Perhaps they have not reached their tipping point, or they enjoy the attention they are getting from it. Whether they post about it on social media, or telling every one they can about it. Yet choose to do nothing about it to heal themselves and their situations. Not everyone is ready to tear down their walls and their identities and change and grow. That is OK too. Everyone is on their own journeys and go at it at different paces. For some that are ready they will heed the call of their souls and their bodies and work to bring healing to themselves.

How can something like Reiki help with our healing and depression?

For those who do not know, Reiki is spirit guided energy, or Ki(Chi). It is life force. We are all made up of this energy. It permeates us all. It flows through us, animals, plants, trees, mountains, even the planet itself. A healthy person is full and vibrant and full of this life force. They become bright, and you can even feel that energy flow and radiate from them. They are those individuals that can just light up a room. When we become bogged down with thoughts, or eat poorly, and become more sedentary than active. Our life force can be low, and or not flow through all our organs properly. From an eastern/holistic standpoint when this happens the body does not function properly. And illness can start to occur. Energy/life force regenerates on its own when we allow it to. When we rest, and take care of us. For most we don’t do that. We push ourselves, further and further, pop an energy drink or two, or three. And then do our thing. Not giving the body time to heal. Eventually the body will take longer and longer to recoup, or we will get sick more and more. Until we eventually are forced to take down time. Reiki can help bring in life force and speed up our healing and recovery.

Reiki works on the various aspects of being. Not only does it work with the physical bodies, but it also works on the emotional, and mental states of being. The places that depression really hits us. Those thoughts of ourselves that plague our minds that repeat in our head. Those what-if thoughts. The not good enough thoughts. Reiki can help to clear through the chatter. Helping to light a light within ourselves, and help us to see the positive within our own darkness we are facing.

Not only do I do Reiki on others, I have also had it down on myself numerous times. And each time is just a wonderful and pleasant experience. It truly helps us to clear through the negative thinking, and help us see the love within ourselves and within our situations. Each session helps empower us, which is what healing I all about. After the awareness, comes the empowering. Helping us to shift from being a victim to life/circumstances to empowering ourselves to take charge and action within our life and that its up to us to make those changes we wish to see.

A lot of the time depression, and anxiety, and the like, are rooted in past experiences in our lives. That keep repeating in our minds, over and over. Reiki can help to heal those events that are stuck within us. Helping us to be at peace and no longer stuck in pain from it. And during a healing session, Reiki can bring up things that that need to be healed and released. Sometimes it can trigger a lot of repressed emotions/memories and it can be important to talk with a trained professional to help you work through it. If you need the extra counseling.

Reiki is not a magical cure all, where you have a session and you are cured and ever thing is dandy. Reiki is a journey of understanding and growth. Reiki is a light within ones darkness to help usher in change and healing. Reiki does not replace medical advice, or help if needed. It is used in conjunction to medical treatment to bring healing to every aspect of being. Not just treating the topical flareups that one is facing.

We are all so deserving of healing, happiness, and joy. We do not need to live a life of sadness and pain. We do not need to be bitter about our life and our circumstances. Reiki can help us find the good within it. It will not do it for us. It will show us the way that we already know. It’s up to us to walk the walk.

So if you are curious about a Reiki session, talk to a Reiki healer in your town, or state. If you are in Southern New Jersey, you can talk with me, or even book a session with me. If you are depressed, and are wanting to harm, or hurt yourself, or others, reach out to someone. Talk with a trained counselor, or support team. Know you do not have to face this alone. There are many of people out there willing to listen to you.